Adventures at Humminghive – Banana Song – by Beverley Omsky

I am so excited to bring you a live version of the Banana Song from the Adventures at Humminghive – Here We Are! Audiobook!


Hello everybody and thank you so much for being with me I am very excited to be sharing a song from my children’s musical audio book the Adventures of Humminghive. Now here we have the Petunia family who live at 35 Floral Drive in Humminghive in a flower box and we have Mum Teena Petunia, Dad Oliver Petunia their daughter Petal Petunia son Peter Petunia and her little red Hollyhocks who they have adopted and live with them in their flower box. They are lucky to have two very important family friends Ginger the cat and Freddy Frog who live with them and play a large and important role in their lives. Have you ever felt sad like Ginger was feeling, that his voice wasn’t heard, that he wasn’t understood? Well he he misunderstood quite a few things and he acted in a way that wasn’t very good but after he said sorry and the friends had resolved their differences he was invited to share something that was really important to him and he felt confident again and he felt that his self-esteem was restored and he very excitedly decided to share his colourful Banana song. It’s not an ordinary song, it’s a song about very colourful bananas


prickles it has not got

colours colours colours

red and green and blue

colours colours colours

they’re wonderful it’s true

Learn more about Adventures at Humminghive and buy the audiobook here!